If you have any questions or need help ordering, please use the form below to contact us. Please allow 24-48 business hours for a response. If you need immediate answers, please view our pages listed below.
Here are a few questions we get that might help you out before you submit this form.
- My order has shipped but has stalled somewhere and is not updating. Please contact the appropriate postal service (usually USPS or UPS). Once the package leaves our warehouse, we do not have any control over it.
- I have a return or damaged clothing (please see the return policy page for instructions)
- I applied for wholesale but haven't been approved yet. This can take 2-3 business days. If you apply on a Friday, we will not approve Applications until the following Monday. We review each and every application and receive quite a few each day.
- I have tried to apply for wholesale but the form will not submit or I am having some sort of issue. Please email us all of the information or submit it here in this form and we will review it. If you leave off information, your application will be denied.
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